Imposter Syndrome. Eh, you hate that word, don't you? I know I do. I especially hate it because I've battled it for most of my adult life (and probably as a kid too, but we won't go there today, hah). I'd venture to say you've struggled with it too. Imposter syndrome, fear, scarcity mindset, limiting it what you will but these things can wreck havoc on our minds.
Why do we hold ourselves back? I've recently had a change in thought around this. I used to always attribute this to a fear of failure. That seems to be a pretty popular term. Not to say that that's not a real emotion for us all sometimes, but I think there is something much deeper going on when we self-sabotage or don't pursue our dreams. Let's take a look at this excerpt from the book A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be?"
When you read that quote, how does it make you feel? Does that resonate with you? When I first read it, it really opened up my eyes to see that I was holding myself back for fear of what that success could look like if I just let go and let myself fly. How high could I soar? Would I fly too close to the sun and burn my wings like Icarus? The answer to that question is a resounding no! I believe God created an abundant world which means there is abundance available to anyone that opens themselves up to it. We just have to be willing to take one small step, one right action, at a time.
Now, knowing these things and walking in them every day is a totally different story. But I know I'm getting better at it as time goes by. How about you? Are you ready to walk in abundance? Are you ready to open up your wings and fly close to the sun?
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